Friday, July 29, 2011

Roast Beast!!!!

Here's the roast we made the other night for dinner! Even though we followed the recipe, it was a little more done than I prefer, but it was still delicious!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Paleo Challenge

Today is day 2 of our 30-day Paleo Challenge.  This is the first time that I have ever tried a strict paleo diet, and it's not easy!  But I want to be a supportive girlfriend and do this with Tyler, and I'm anxiuos to see the results!  Last night we did our measurements and a WOD so we would have something to compare to when day 30 hits.  I'm hoping it gets easier as the days go by, because these first 2 days have been pretty rough on me.

I can't wait for dinner tonight!!!  We're making a Paleo Roast BEAST with some veggies and nuts!