Friday, July 30, 2010

When I dip, you dip, we dip...

Ok, so can today be my rest day too???  8 rounds of 15m OH walking lunges 135/95, followed by 12 ring dips...I just threw up in my mouth a little.  I hope nobody plans on using their legs this weekend!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Barbells for Boobs

We are going to be hosting a wonderful fundraiser in October to help raise money for women who cannot afford to get mammograms! The foundation is called Mammograms in Action. They are a non-profit organization out of California. Mammograms In Action's mission is to provide funding for qualified women who need screening and/or diagnostic procedures in the prevention of breast cancer

About the actual fundraiser: We are hoping to participate in the 2nd annual Amazing Grace fundraiser that is sponsored by the CrossFit Journal and the CrossFit Community. Grace is a benchmark workout known throughout CrossFit gyms. It consists of 30 Clean and Jerks for time. The goal is to get as many people to participate in this workout, and get people to sponsor you! It will be a day of friends, smiles, sweat and tears, but will be well worth it! Please spread this information on to anyone who think would be interested.

We are hoping to have the event Saturday, October 30th from 10-2 at CrossFit Mukilteo. This is still all tentative, for I have not heard back from the organization to get all the details. I will keep you all posted on this event!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Chief

So, I'm sure after yesterday's WOD (workout of the day) everyone is screaming "FM-Legs"  That was a brutal workout!  I couldn't even finish the WOD due to my dumb knee!  I'm ready for this dang thing to heal! GRRRRRRR!  Good job to everyone who suffered through it!  Hopefully today will be a little easier!

Today's challenge:
Complete max rounds in 3 minutes of 3 power cleans 135lbs/95lbs, 6 push-ups, and 9 squats...followed by 1 minute of rest...and guess what?  You get to repeat that 5 times!  Your score is total number of rounds!  Good luck everyone!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Get Your Squat On...

So, it's all about squattin today!  5 rounds of  9 Front Squats, 6 Overhead Squats (OHS), and 12 Back Squats.  The weight for men is 135lbs and 95lbs for the ladies!  I have a feeling my ass and legs are gonna hate me when I'm finished!

If you're tough enough to try this out, post your times to comments!  :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

8 Rounds of What???

20 seconds of work...10 seconds of rest...8 times through!  Doesn't sound so bad, right?  Well, first you might be wondering what you'll be doing during those 20 seconds of work...

First, you'll start off with some Hang Squat Clean Thrusters with Kettlebells(70lbs for men, 52lbs for ladies) you'll do as many as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 10, then on to Single Unders (jump rope) as many as you can in 20 seconds, followed by, you guessed it, 10 seconds of rest.  That is one have 8 to complete.  Good Luck!

I think the Kettlebells won today!