Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Chief

So, I'm sure after yesterday's WOD (workout of the day) everyone is screaming "FM-Legs"  That was a brutal workout!  I couldn't even finish the WOD due to my dumb knee!  I'm ready for this dang thing to heal! GRRRRRRR!  Good job to everyone who suffered through it!  Hopefully today will be a little easier!

Today's challenge:
Complete max rounds in 3 minutes of 3 power cleans 135lbs/95lbs, 6 push-ups, and 9 squats...followed by 1 minute of rest...and guess what?  You get to repeat that 5 times!  Your score is total number of rounds!  Good luck everyone!


  1. FM Legs is right! I only did 15 rounds but I got my Rx. Today, stairs are my enemy!

  2. It wasn't so bad until today! My legs are fried, of course the 2000 meter row yesterday didn't help :)

  3. Yeah, that WOD was nasty!!! Good job Karlie on the Rx'd!!! I thought the squats were the worst part! Glad I took a rest day and skipped out on the row :) See you this afternoon Shelley!!! Can't wait to make next week brutal for everyone ;)
