Monday, July 26, 2010

8 Rounds of What???

20 seconds of work...10 seconds of rest...8 times through!  Doesn't sound so bad, right?  Well, first you might be wondering what you'll be doing during those 20 seconds of work...

First, you'll start off with some Hang Squat Clean Thrusters with Kettlebells(70lbs for men, 52lbs for ladies) you'll do as many as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 10, then on to Single Unders (jump rope) as many as you can in 20 seconds, followed by, you guessed it, 10 seconds of rest.  That is one have 8 to complete.  Good Luck!

I think the Kettlebells won today!


  1. Haha...thanks Shelley! By the looks of my arms today, it looks like the kettelbells won!

  2. My kettle Bells won too! I have baby bruises compared to you though!

  3. That was a tough WOD!!! Everyone did AWESOME!!! Definitely worth the bruises! :) What time will you be at the gym today?

  4. The kettlebells always leave their mark, evil pieces of equipment!
